Charging infrastructure innovation award

Which innovation is having the biggest impact on charging infrastructure in Belgium? That’s the one that will receive the Charging Infrastructure Innovation Award on 18 January at the Charging Infrastructure ’24 conference at Brussels Expo.

Belgium is investing in a sustainable mobility infrastructure. Innovative ideas are helping to make this development possible. For the Laadinfra ’24 Congress in Brussels, we are looking for innovations that will boost Belgium’s charging infrastructure.

The Laadinfra innovation prize has a Dutch and a Belgian equivalent. In the Netherlands, the prize was won in 2023 by Watthub, the largest recharging station for heavy equipment. Who will be the first Belgian winner of the Laadinfra Innovation Prize?


Innovation and novelty on the market;
Currently on the market or entering the market in 2024;
Contribute to the improvement of the charging infrastructure industry.


Nominations can be submitted until 15 December 2023. Our jury will then select three nominees from all the entries. In January, you can vote for your favourite on the website.

The three nominees have a chance of winning the Laadinfra Innovation Prize, which will be awarded on 18 January 2024 at Brussels Expo. The winner will be chosen on the basis of the jury vote (50%) and online votes (50%).


The winner will receive the Laadinfra Innovation Award and a media package including a banner, an editorial article and placement in the newsletter.